API Changelog
This page lists recent and upcoming changes to the Webex API. Contact Webex Developer Support with any questions.
March 3, 2025
As mentioned in the November changelog, the values of the
field returned by the Get a Trunk endpoint will be updated. This update is scheduled to take place in April 2025.
February 24, 2025
We are excited to introduce a new group of APIs for Domain Management. An administrator can verify a domain and claim ownership of it for their organization. Verifying a domain ensures that a user in a given organization belongs to that specific domain. Previously claimed domains can be released using the unclaim and unverify APIs.
February 21, 2025
Due to unforseen circumstances we have updated our internet SSL certificate issuer from GoDaddy to HydrantId. This change may require developers to update their applications to incorporate the new certificate chain. You can download the Identrust chain from here. Impact • Applications relying on the old certificate chain from GoDaddy may experience failures in establishing secure connections. • Developers need to update their applications to trust the new certificate chain issued by HydrantId. Action Required: • Review and update your application's SSL/TLS configuration to include the new certificate chain provided by HydrantId. • Test your applications to ensure compatibility with the new certificate chain and confirm that secure connections are established successfully.
February 14, 2025
As a meeting host, you can set up live streaming for a meeting with the
attributes when the meeting is created using Create a Meeting. When the meeting is started, the meeting host can start the live streaming by selecting the three dots, choosing Start live streaming and then Go live from the meeting client. The live streaming is started for the meeting without any ad-hoc configuration required. Live streaming can also be enabled for an existing meeting using Patch a Meeting or Update a Meeting with theenabledLiveStream
February 11, 2025
As a host or cohost of a meeting, you can invite a SIP participant to join the meeting via the Call Out a SIP Participant API. You can also cancel the call to a SIP participant before the ringing on the invited SIP device stops via the Cancel Calling Out a SIP Participant API.
February 6, 2025
Descriptions of the following fields have been added to Get Detailed Call History: Caller ID number, External caller ID number, Redirecting party UUID, Device owner UUID, Call Recording Platform Name, Call Recording Result, Call Recording Trigger, and Public Calling IP Address.
January 24, 2025
The DECT serviceability password or the admin override password provide read/write access to DECT base stations for performing system serviceability and troubleshooting functions. New APIs have been added under DECT Device Settings to create and manage serviceability passwords.
January 21, 2025
Starting March 2nd, 2025, the
field will be mandatory whenlineKeyType
for the following APIs: Modify Device Layout by Device ID, Create a Line Key Template, and Modify a Line Key Template.
January 21, 2025
As mentioned in the November month's changelog, the values of the
field returned by the Get a Trunk endpoint will be updated. This update is scheduled to take place in February 2025.
January 21, 2025
We are implementing an update to the API response structure for breakout sessions for meeting participants on the Webex Suite Meeting Platform (WSMP). This change is driven by the transition to our fully distributed, scalable, and resilient infrastructure.
Previous Behavior: In the past, when a participant moved from the main session to a breakout session, and then to another breakout session, the API response aligned the breakout sessions under a single main session: • MSession • BrO1 • BrO2
New Behavior: With WSMP, each breakout session will now appear under the main session every time, as follows: • MSession • BrO1 • MSession • BrO2
This adjustment means the API response will include the main session for each breakout session entry, even if only one main session exists. As a result, you will need to utilize session identifiers to consolidate these repeated main session entries in your reporting systems.
Please update your systems accordingly to accommodate this change.
January 13, 2025
Webhooks for Webex events are provided with a
when a secret has been provided during webhook registration. The signature corresponds to theHMAC-SHA1
hash of the webhook payload. We now offer additional HMAC's namelyHMAC-SHA256
. These can be found in the new headerX-Webex-Signature
December 18, 2024
Starting January 27, 2025, the Emergency Call Back Number (ECBN) setting retrieval and modification APIs will support using a Hunt Group and the previously supported types of People, Place, and Virtual Line. API callers should be prepared for the ECBN identifier and type associated with an entity to refer to a Hunt Group. Enhanced APIs will be Get Location ECBN Available Phone Numbers, Get Person ECBN Available Phone Numbers, Get Workspace ECBN Available Phone Numbers, Get Virtual Line ECBN Available Phone Numbers, Update a Location Emergency callback number, Update a Person's Emergency Callback Number, Update a Workspace Emergency Callback Number, Update a Virtual Line's Emergency Callback settings, Get a Location Emergency callback number, Get a Person's Emergency Callback Number, Get a Workspace Emergency Callback Number, Get the Virtual Line's Emergency Callback settings.
November 21, 2024
The values of the
field returned by the Get a Trunk endpoint will be changing on January 24, 2025. Please prepare your code to use these new values:Old Error Code New Error Code E1001
November 12, 2024
As highlighted in the API Behavior Changes document, the
API may not return information after an organization was moved to the Webex Suite Meetings Platform. As explained, the reason is that in WSMP, there is only a loose concept of a space meeting. The meeting does not happen in the space but must be scheduled via the /meetings REST endpoints. The meetings REST endpoint also provides the SIP dial info for the meeting like in this example response. Please utilize this REST endpoint to avoid service disruption.... "siteUrl": "site4-example.webex.com", "webLink": "https://site4-example.webex.com/site4/j.php?MTID=md41817da6a55b0925530cb88b3577b1e", "registerLink": "https://cisco.webex.com/weblink/register/r55981368ee48e2a6f00b93231508c404", "sipAddress": "123456789@site4-example.webex.com", ...
The /meetingInfo endpoint is now deprecated, and we may shut it down entirely on January 31, 2025, when most customers should be on WSMP.
November 11, 2024
Meeting Attendee Report Update We're updating the Meeting Attendee report to accurately reflect the values for LOCATION field. We'll be labeling the LOCATION column as LOCATION (DEPRECATED) and adding new COUNTRY, STATE, and CITY columns for more specific location data. Additionally, the OS and BROWSER columns will now include version information.
October 17, 2024
As a reminder, effective today, the field
has been renamed toanswerConfirmationRequiredEnabled
within the simultaneous ring settings of the Workspace API. This change applies to both the GET and MODIFY endpoints. During the transition period ( original change log published on 30th August 2024 ), both fields were accessible in the payload forGET
operations. Please ensure that your implementations have been updated to reflect this change.
October 11, 2024
The Guest Issuer API function will reach its End of Life (EOL) on December 31, 2025. After this date, the Guest Issuer approach will no longer be supported or available.
All guest issuer apps must transition to using Service Apps for creating temporary identities to ensure continuity and take advantage of the enhanced features and support offered by Service Apps.
September 25, 2024
We are excited to announce the release of a new API that enables administrators to manage organizational details more efficiently. Key Features include: • Get Organization Details: Administrators can now retrieve comprehensive details about their organization, including current name, status, and other pertinent information. • Update Organization Name: This new functionality allows administrators to easily update the organization's name through a simple API call.
For detailed information, please refer to our API reference.
September 12, 2024
We'd like to formally announce the SDK version v2 will reach its end-of-life (EOL) on September 30, 2025. The v1 SDKs are already EOL. As indicated on this change log in March and May we strongly encourage all users to migrate to SDK v3 (latest version: webex@3.4.0) at your earliest convenience to continue getting SDK support and feature upgrades while avoiding service disruptions on the Webex Suite Meetings Platform. Please refer to our Migration Guide for detailed instructions on making the transition.
August 30, 2024
For consistency with other APIs, we will be renaming the field
within the simultaneous ring settings for the Workspace API. This modification affects the GET and UPDATE endpoints. The change will take effect on October 11, 2024. Throughout the transition period, both fields will be accessible in the payload forGET
August 26, 2024
Guest-to-Guest (G2G) meetings are now available, allowing non-licensed users to conduct fully featured meetings on the Webex Suite Meetings Platform (WSMP). These G2G meetings replace space-backend meetings, which are incompatible with WSMP. The new G2G feature is supported by a new license and order-SKU that covers the number of simultaneous meetings rather than individual users. For more details, please refer to the guide.
August 23, 2024
As an administrator, you can reassign a list of call recordings or all call recordings of a particular user to a new user through the Reassign Recording endpoint.
August 21, 2024
Service numbers are now supported for Premises-based PSTN. These are local telephone numbers considered as high utilization or concurrent, making them ideal for assignment to high-volume services such as Auto Attendants, Hunt Groups, and Call Queues. The Add Numbers, Get Numbers, and Initiate Number Jobs APIs are modified to support service numbers. Additionally, feature-specific available numbers APIs such as Hunt Group, Location, Person, and Workspace have been added to help identify numbers that can be associated with specific members or features. These feature-specific APIs are streamlined with fewer parameters, making them more easily to use as alternatives to the more general Get Numbers API.
August 21, 2024
A new webhook resource allows you to receive notifications for status changes of admin batch jobs, reducing the need for manual status checks. For setup instructions and more details, see Webhooks Reference Page.
August 19, 2024
As a meeting host, you can Create a Meeting, Patch a Meeting, or Update a Meeting with watermark settings by specifying the
, andvisualWatermarkOpacity
attributes. These attributes can also be returned when you Get a Meeting, List Meetings, or List Meetings of a Meeting Series.
August 19, 2024
New attributes
, andhasPostEventSurvey
are returned in the Get a Meeting, List Meetings, and List Meetings of a Meeting Series APIs. ThehasRegistration
attributes only apply to ended meetings or webinar instances, while thehasPostEventSurvey
attribute only applies to ended webinar instances.
August 14, 2024
The Webex Meeting Widget 1.27.0 is now available. This widget allows you to seamlessly integrate essential Webex functionality into your website, eliminating the need to build an app from scratch using the SDK. New Features: • Support for Node.js 20 • Compatibility with React 18.3.1 To get started, simply include the widget in your NPM applications from @webex/widgets. For more detailed information about Webex widgets, please visit our documentation.
August 13, 2024
Effective February 13, 2025, updating the PSTN connection type and ID for a location will no longer be supported via the Update Location Webex Calling Details API. Instead, this functionality will be supported through the Setup PSTN Connection for a Location API.
August 2, 2024
Separate destinations can now be configured for routing calls when the hunt group is busy or all agents are unreachable. To support this, new fields
have been added to the CREATE, UPDATE, and GET Hunt Group endpoints. Starting September 16, 2024, support for thebusinessContinuity
object will be removed from the request and response payloads of these endpoints.
August 1, 2024
Wholesale partners can now see the
column in the USER level reconciliation reports of Wholesale Billing Reports. CUSTOMER level reconciliation reports withlocationId
will be available by September 1st, 2024.
July 19, 2024
Users can obtain scheduling permissions via the Get Scheduling Options API and update them using the Update Scheduling Options API with the
parameter. Additionally, users can add new delegate emails with the Insert Delegate Emails API and remove existing ones with the Delete Delegate Emails API.
June 28, 2024
Due to security concerns the Webex XML API won't support username/email+password authentication effective Nov 30, 2024 for CI native organizations (organizations managed through Control Hub only). Instead authentication must happen via the Common Identity system and the use of session login ticket. As a reminder the Webex XML API has been End of Life and End of Service since March 31, 2024. Some customers got an extension.
June 27, 2024
Starting August 12th, 2024, the
fields will be removed from the Test Call Routing endpoint's response payload.
June 27, 2024
Starting from July 19th, 2024, a new field,
, will be added to the Wholesale Billing Reports API, and this applies to both Customer and User report types.
June 24, 2024
The meeting transcripts endpoint will not have data for meetings where the Webex AI Assistant is part of the meeting and instead the recordings transcripts must be used. For further information, please see here.
June 18, 2024
As a Compliance Officer, you can now access Webex Calling recordings using the Converged Recordings API. You can List Recordings for Compliance officer, Get Recording Details, Delete a Recording, and Get Recording metadata.
May 30, 2024
In the Workspace Call Settings API, we've added multiple endpoints that let you manage all Professional Workspace call settings.
May 23, 2024
A Compliance Officer can now list recordings that have been purged from the recycle bin using the List Recordings For an Admin or Compliance Officer API with the
May 9, 2024
As indicated first on March 25, 2024 on this change log you must upgrade your Webex SDK version before July 1st to avoid service disruptions as customers get moved onto the Webex Suite Meetings Platform (WSMP). Alternatively you must ask for an extension by opening a support ticket. The new SDK versions allows joining a meeting via a password which is inherent to the WSMP. Please see below for the original announcement.
May 7, 2024
A new package type
has been added to Wholesale Provisioning. This package offers customer experience essentials with advanced group call management abilities on top of Webex calling. Click here to learn more. The feature togglewholesale-cx-essentials
is required for partner admins to provision wholesale customers and users with this new package type.
May 7, 2024
We have found inconsistencies in the /people API as they relate to the
statuses and how they relate to the Control Hub view of users. We are going to normalize these fields in the following manner:invitePending
will be a read-only field that is set and unset by our Common Identity system depending on if the user accepted the invite email. User login is allowed only afterinvitePending
has cleared (false).loginEnabled
can be set to allow or disallow users from logging in.We will enforce this logic on or after June 10, 2024.
May 3, 2024
The Webex Calling Detailed Call History reporting now includes new fields that help customers identify PSTN provider details. Examples include PSTN Vendor Name, PSTN Legal Entity, and many others. For more information, see Webex Calling Reports for Your Collaboration Portfolio and Webex Calling Detailed Call History Reports API.
April 26, 2024
A new attribute
has been added to the List Meeting Participants, Query Meeting Participants with Email, and Get Meeting Participant Details APIs. It indicates the breakout sessions that a participant attended during a meeting, and it only applies to participants of ended meeting instances. A new parameterbreakoutSessionId
has been added to the List Meeting Participants API so that it can return participants who joined the specified breakout session. If themeetingId
of an ended meeting instance is specified, the List Meeting Breakout Sessions can now return the breakout sessions which happened during that meeting instance.
April 23, 2024
We're pleased to introduce a new webhook resource to our Service App's framework, allowing you to receive notifications for the authorization and deauthorization of your Service Apps. This update simplifies lifecycle management and reduces the need for manual status checks. For setup instructions and more details, please visit our Webhooks Reference Page.
April 17, 2024
As previously stated in the change log published on March 18, 2024, partners should start using the new
field, which accepts a list of packages. Cisco will be deprecating and removing the support for the existingpackage
field in the Wholesale Subscriber Provisioning POST, PUT, GET, LIST and PreCheck APIs on the 10th May, 2024.
April 2, 2024
The Retrieve List of Call Queue Caller ID information, Retrieve a Call Queue Agent's Caller ID information, and Modify a Call Queue Agent's Caller ID information APIs are deprecated and will be decommissioned May 16, 2024. Integrations that use these APIs must move to Retrieve Agent's List of Available Caller IDs, Retrieve Agent's Caller ID Information, and Modify Agent's Caller ID Information respectively.
March 25, 2024
SDK users on versions prior to 3.11.0(iOS, Android) and prior to 2.60.0 (Browser SDK) must upgrade to these or later SDK versions by July 1st, 2024. Cisco is revamping our backend systems to the Webex Meetings Suite Platform with a mandatory password requirement to join Webex meetings. Previous SDK versions do not support this security update and you risk that your users cannot join meetings. If you cannot meet this mandatory upgrade by the designated time, please reach out to devsupport@webex.com
March 20, 2024
New attributes,
, have been added to the Join a Meeting API which can be used to specify webLink as ajoinLink
or astartLink
. Those are typically useful if mandatory user login is configured in Control Hub.
March 18, 2024
Partners should plan for a transition to a new
field, which accepts a list of packages, as Cisco will eventually remove support for the existingpackage
field in the Wholesale Subscriber Provisioning POST, PUT, GET, LIST and PreCheck APIs. Further information will be provided well in advance of a published removal date.
March 15, 2024
We have observed that during the OAuth 2.0 integration authorization process, customers have been appending data to URLs as query parameters in their POST requests. Although this method was functional previously, please be aware that it will no longer be supported after 6:00 PM on April 5, 2024 (America/Los_Angeles time zone). This change is in line with the best practices recommended by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), which advises against exposing sensitive information through URL query strings (you can find more information on this topic here). We prioritize the security of your users' data, and adhering to these standards is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our platform.
March 14, 2024
On May 1, 2024, Webex Calling Public APIs are moving to a new, more modern ID for the following types: Auto Attendant, Call Queue, Hunt Group, Paging Group, and Single Number Reach. Customers following the general recommendation to treat Public API IDs opaquely should not be affected beyond comparing IDs saved in the old format with new IDs. The APIs will continue to accept ids in the old format as input.
March 8, 2024
In the Virtual Line Call Settings API, we've added multiple endpoints that let you manage all Virtual Lines call settings.
March 7, 2024
For consistency with other APIs, the GET /v1/telephony/config/locations/{locationId}/queues/{queueId}/callForwarding API will be renaming the
response field todestinationVoiceMailEnabled
.To allow API clients to make this transition, for the next six weeks, we are adding the
alongside the existingsendToVoiceMailEnabled
field. On April 15, 2024 thesendToVoiceMailEnabled
will be removed from the response.
March 7, 2024
The Get a person's Privacy Settings API returned IDs in the
field that were not compatible with APIs like Get Person Details. Get a person's Privacy Settings API has been corrected to return Person, Virtual Line, and Workspace IDs fully compatible with other APIs.
March 6, 2024
Two new attributes,
, are returned in the response of the following APIs: Get a Meeting, List Meetings, and List Meetings of a Meeting Series. Those new attributes only apply to meeting series in theinProgress
state, scheduled meetings in theready
state, and meeting instances in theinProgress
state, whether or not anyone has joined the meeting. Indicates that someone is waiting in the lobby and the host hasn't joined the meeting, if bothattendeeDidJoin
is true andhostDidJoin
is false.
February 27, 2024
The Update Location Webex Calling Details API now ignores
if the location's country is not Belgium, Germany, and France. Starting April 11, 2024, the API will respond with an error ifpAccessNetworkInfo
is modified for locations outside of Belgium, Germany, and France.
February 21, 2024
Currently when one of the Webex for Wholesale or Webex for Broadworks APIs returns error code 5001, Internal Server Error, we include a
which details where the issue occurred. Since internal server errors are, by nature, unexpected, these detailed descriptions are often not useful as they reference internal service interactions beyond your control. We are now opting to return a genericdescription
which says "An unexpected error occurred", and including aninternalErrorCode
in the response body to indicate the precise nature of the issue. This will help accelerate the resolution of support tickets, as aninternalErrorCode
is of more benefit when trying to resolve such issues. This change will take effect before the end of February.
February 7, 2024
If a Broadworks Subscriber exists but contains errors, the Get A Broadworks Subscriber and List Broadworks Subscribers APIs now return the
in theerrors
array. This change aligns the APIs with current documentation. Please review and prepare any code using these APIs and parsing theerrorCode
for the change in type.
January 31, 2024
We are proud to announce the availability of the new guest creation mechanism via Service Apps. Guests are now created from authorized Service Apps with guest-issuer scopes. The traditional way of using a
Guest Issuer
app type is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
January 25, 2024
In the Virtual Line Call Settings API, we've added multiple endpoints that let you create and manage Virtual Lines and subsets of their call settings.
January 17, 2024
We are please to announce the support for the System for cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) v2.0 standard as specified by RFC7643 and IETF RFC7644 in our developer program. Endpoints supported include v2/Users, v2/Groups and v2/Bulk. With Webex SCIM 2.0 APIs, customers can configure or develop SCIM 2.0 clients to manage users and groups in Webex.
December 21, 2023
The /v1/devices APIs and /v1/workspaces are moving towards returning organizations, location, and people IDs which exactly match those IDs returned by /v1/organizations, /v1/locations, and /v1/people respectively. The default format of IDs returned will be changed to the new, compatible style on February 2, 2024. Clients that rely on the current style of IDs can pass the legacy=true query parameter which will ensure the current style of organizations, location, and people IDs will continue to be returned by these APIs after the default ID style changes. Note that Webex Calling specific APIs already return IDs in the compatible format, and will not honor the legacy query parameter. APIs will continue to accept both styles of IDs.
December 15, 2023
We now provide
a.k.a. SMS events in the events API . When a Webex Calling user sends or receives SMS messages, these will be logged in the API and can be retrieved by a Compliance Officer. This feature complements our recently released CDR events.
December 12, 2023
If a Broadworks Subscriber exists but contains errors, the Get A Broadworks Subscriber and List Broadworks Subscribers APIs currently return the
as aString
in theerrors
array. From February 1 2024, these APIs will return theerrorCode
as an integer, which will align the APIs with current documentation. Please review and prepare any code using these APIs and parsing theerrorCode
for the change in type.
December 12, 2023
In an ongoing effort to strengthen the security posture of the Webex Developer APIs have we removed support for the below weak and old ciphers in TLS connections. Remember only TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 are supported. In addition TLS SNI, Server Name Indication is now mandatory.
December 6, 2023
The API, Activate phone numbers in a location, supports a maximum of 500 phone numbers.
December 6, 2023
The APIs Add Phone Numbers to a location, Activate Phone Numbers in a location, and Remove phone numbers from a location now require phone numbers in the E.164 format for all countries.
November 30, 2023
Service Apps with meetings functionalities as indicated by
scopes can now be tied to specific sites in the organization. This selection is done by a full admin in Control Hub who authorizes the Service App for the required site(s). The admin can choose from any or all of the meetings sites in the organization. The service app can only act on the allowed sites. As an example let's assume an organization with two sites A and B. An admin wants to use a meeting scheduling Service App, but wants to allow this Service App only for site A. The admin would during the authorization process select site A and the Service App will not be able to schedule meetings on site B.
November 17, 2023
The call detaill records for Webex Calling can now be found in the /events API under the resource
November 16, 2023
The reports API provides download links for reports today in CSV format. This behavior will change on January 4, 2024 and the default file format will be zip. Until January 31, 2024 you can force the download in CSV by manipulating the download URL and setting the
. After January 31, 2024 this flag will be ignored and all reports will be provided in zip format only. Please see also this help article.
November 12, 2023
The Add Phone Numbers to a location endpoint now supports adding toll-free numbers via the new
field. The possible values for this field areDID
, which is the default if not specified, andTOLLFREE
. This functionality now properly validates that the location has a compatible PSTN connection type and ID set before adding numbers, and returns aHTTP 200 OK
rather thanHTTP 201 Created
on success.
November 1, 2023
As indicated on September 13, here in this change log, we have now enacted the new license API with the new names and the http
.As part of the change we removed some license strings that had no function. These are
Webex Meetings Assistant
(WAM) andMeeting - Webex Collaboration Meeting Rooms
October 27, 2023
The following fields have been added to the Webex Calling Detailed Call History report: Ring duration, Release time, Answer indicator, Final local
, and Final remoteSessionID
October 25, 2023
When patching a meeting, the
, andtrackingCodes
attributes can now be specified asnull
so that those attributes become null and hidden from the response after the patch. For example, by patchingrecurrence
, a recurring meeting can be changed to a non-recurring meeting. Note that you must use the the keywordnull
not the string "null".
October 23, 2023
The Receptions client DELETE feature has been corrected to return an HTTP 404
Not Found
error when the given directoryId does not exist rather than HTTP 204No Content
October 13, 2023
Due to a system issue, webhooks with an IP address in the targetUrl may have been disabled between Oct 13, 2023 04:30:00AM UTC and Oct 13, 2023 19:40:00 UTC. If your webhook was affected you must manually re-enable the webhook. You can do this with a PUT request and by setting the status field to
. Please see here. We apologize for this error on our side.
October 12, 2023
As described in the Meeting Transcripts API document, the meeting transcript cannot be recorded until the meeting recording is turned on. Since August 1, 2023, you not only need to turn on the meeting recording, but also need to turn on the Webex Assistant or the Closed Captions in order to record the meeting transcript.
October 4, 2023
In the Users Call Settings API, we've added Get Users Music on Hold Endpoint and Modify Users Music on Hold Endpoint that let you configure music on hold settings for individual users.
October 4, 2023
In the Workspace Call Settings API, we've added Get Workspace Music on Hold Endpoint and to Modify Workspace Music on Hold Endpoint that let you configure music on hold settings for individual workspaces.
September 27, 2023
As an admin user, you can now refresh personal room IDs for a site's meeting hosts using the Batch Refresh Personal Meeting Room ID API. The personal room IDs can be automatically refreshed according to the current personal room ID rule of the target site, or by the values specified by the admin user.
September 13, 2023
parameter has been added to the the request of the Update Meeting Registration Form API, and has also been added to the response of the Update Meeting Registration Form and Get registration form for a meeting APIs.
September 13, 2023
On 10/25/2023, we will be releasing the new PATCH API for license assignment as well as enhancements to the existing GET license API. You will be able to list users that are assigned a specific license, even external users. You will be able to use the PATCH command to assign all licenses, including the contact center licenses. Finally, the license names will be aligned with the names an admin can see in Control Hub for consistency and ease of use. In the table below, you will find the old and new license names. Please prepare your code to make use of the new names where needed. The name change will be effective with the rollout of the new functionality on Oct 25, 2023. The license IDs will not change.
Offer code Existing name New name MS Messaging Advance Messaging CF Meeting 25 party Advanced Space Meetings EE Meeting - Webex Enterprise Edition Webex Meetings Suite MC Meeting - Webex Meeting Center Webex Meetings SC Meeting - Webex Support Center Webex Support TC Meeting - Webex Training Center Webex Training EC "Meeting - Webex Event Center Webex Webinar WXSFREE Webex Free Meetings Basic Meetings CO Calling Webex Calling SD Room Systems Webex Room Kit EC250 Webex Events 250 Webex Webinar 250 EC500 Webex Events 500 Webex Webinar 500 EC1k Webex Events 1000 Webex Webinar 1000 EC3k Webex Events 3000 Webex Webinar 3000 EC5k Webex Events 5000 Webex Webinar 5000 EC10k Webex Events 10000 Webex Webinar 10000 EC25k Webex Events 25000 Webex Webinar 25000 EC50k Webex Events 50000 Webex Webinar 50000 EC100k Webex Events 100000 Webex Webinar 100000 RTT Webex Real-Time Translations Real-Time Translations FMS Basic message Basic Messaging FTS Call on Webex Call on Webex (1:1 call, non-PSTN) FTM Basic meeting Basic Space Meetings UCPREM On-Prem UCM Calling Unified Communication Manager (UCM) CVI MS Teams Video Webex Video Integration for Microsoft Teams CJPPRM CJP Premium Contact Center Premium Agent3 Note: Due to some problems with the publishing system a publishing date of Sep 26, was shown between Sep 13-Sep 21. This article was published on Sep 13, 2023.
September 7, 2023
New attributes,
, andhostDisplayName
are returned in the response of the List Recordings For an Admin or Compliance Officer API.
August 31, 2023
The Webex Calling Devices and Workspaces APIs now have the ability to list and add Webex Calling Workspaces and Devices, to onboard Webex Calling devices by MAC address, to manage Device Call Settings with Third-party device activation, and to manage Device Line Key templates.
August 28, 2023
When the feature toggle
is applied, theJoin Before Host
option can be enabled for meetings with registration. As a meeting host, cohost, attendee, guest, or guest issue user, you can retrieve the meeting start or join links using the Join a Meeting API. NOTE: If the meeting is webinar-enabled and includes theregistration ID
option, theregistrationId
parameter is required.
August 24, 2023
The Create a Meeting, Patch a Meeting, and Update a Meeting APIs now have an attribute named
that allows you to specify whether to turn on meeting audio watermarking. Only specific users can use the function. Please contact an administrator to enable the required feature toggle. Webex version 43.9.0 or higher is required.
August 9, 2023
In the locations API we will now support the field name
instead oftimezone
to adhere to Cisco's API standards and avoid customer confusion. This change will be effective Sep 21, 2023.
July 27, 2023
A webinar host can now generate individual post-event survey links for different users using the Get Meeting Survey Links API by specifying users' emails. This API only applies to webinars. Webex version 43.8.0 or higher is required.
July 27, 2023
In the User Call Settings APIs, new APIs to Get Users Preferred Answer Endpoint and to Modify Users Preferred Answer Endpoint have been added. In the Call Controls APIs, the dial, answer, retrieve, pickup and barge-in APIs have been enhanced to include an optional
attribute. You can choose to use theModify Users Preferred Answer Endpoint
API to specify the preferred answer endpoint for all subsequent calls or instead specify the endpointId for each call using the Call Control API option.
July 21, 2023
In the Configure Call Recording Settings for a Person API we are phasing out the
parameter and replace it with more granular control. The setting can now be configured for internal calls and pstn calls separately. The respective parameters arestartStopAnnouncement.internalCallsEnabled
. You can use the new parameters immediately.
July 18, 2023
As a host or cohost user, you can now list in-progress meeting breakout sessions using the List Meeting Breakout Sessions API and admit participants into meeting breakout sessions using Admit Participants. The changes only apply to meetings on converged sites and are behind a feature toggle. Only EFT users can use the functions. Please contact an administrator to enable the feature toggle. Webex version 43.6.0 or higher is required.
July 6, 2023
attributes in the following Wholesale APIs: Provision a Wholesale Customer, Update a Wholesale Customer, and Precheck a Wholesale Customer Provisioning will be deprecated in the near future.
July 6, 2023
We've added support for an "announcement repository", which is a centralized repository of media at the customer/org and location levels. Different features can utilize this media for things like audible announcements being played when certain events/situations happen. The following APIs can upload and list announcements at the customer or org level: Upload a binary announcement greeting at organization level, Fetch list of announcement greetings on location and organization level, Fetch details of binary announcement greeting at organization level, Modify a binary announcement greeting, Fetch repository usage for announcements for an organization, and Delete an announcement greeting of an organization. The following APIs can upload and list announcements at the location level: Upload a binary announcement greeting at the location level, Fetch details of binary announcement greeting at location level, Modify a binary announcement greeting, Fetch repository usage for announcements in a location, and Delete an announcement greeting in a location The remaining APIs are modified to allow referencing the files in the announcement repository (updated with the
array): Create a call queue, Get details for a call queue, Update a call queue, Read the list of call queue announcement files, Get details for an auto attendant, Create an auto attendant, Update an auto attendant, Get music on hold, Update music on hold, Get details for a call queue forced forward service, Update a call queue forced forward service, Get details for a call queue holiday service, Update a call queue holiday service, Get details for a call queue night service, Update a call queue night service, Get details for a call queue stranded calls, and Update a call queue stranded calls service.
June 28, 2023
We do now support limited HTML markup in message creation and edits. The supported HTML tags are limited to
and linkshref
June 28, 2023
Some customers and partners were provided with early beta (limited) access to a REST API and webhooks for space calls and meetings. The API is known in the field as calls-api. This API was never publicly available, and all production use was discouraged. We are going to shut down this API by Sep 30, 2023. The calls-api mentioned here is not connected to CUCM, Webex Calling, or Broadworks which we will continue to carry forward and extend their functionality. If you are interested in webhooks for meetings see the
resource in the webhooks guide and the meetings API. If you are interested in calling webhooks please see thetelephony_calls
resource in the webhooks guide and the calling API. If you are interested inWebex Calling
records, please see the Webex Calling CDR API
June 28, 2023
Webex Calling detailed call history API CDR feed is included with additional "Reasons" and "User type" attributes, clarifying user types and call reasons that can be initiated, terminated or redirected. For more details about these new attributes see Detailed call history API, or Webex Calling reports for your collaboration portfolio.
June 20, 2023
The Meetings API now supports the following options: requiring attendees to sign in before joining a webinar and restricting the webinar to invited attendees only. The following endpoints now support the parameters
: Create a Meeting, Get a Meeting, and List Meetings, and Get a Meeting Template.
June 20, 2023
In the Webex Calling APIs we will not return fields with
values any longer to be consistent with the rest of our API set. Fields that have a null value will be omitted from the response. This change will be enforced on August 1, 2023.
June 5, 2023
The List Meetings and List Meetings of a Meeting Series APIs now support querying ended meeting instances with the following meeting feature flags:
, andhasQA