Converged Recordings
Webex Meetings and Webex Calling (with Webex as the Call Recording provider) leverage the same recording infrastructure. That ensures that users can use the same recording API to fetch call recordings and/or meeting recordings. This convergence allows the sharing of functionality (summaries, transcripts, etc.) across the Webex Suite and provides a consistent user experience.
This API is currently limited to Webex Calling i.e., providing details for call recordings but will later be extended to include Webex Meeting recordings.
The access token needs the following scopes:
User: spark:recordings_read
Admin: spark-admin:recordings_read
Compliance officer: spark-compliance:recordings_read
When the recording is paused in a call, the recording does not contain the pause. If the recording is stopped and restarted in a call, several recordings are created. Those recordings will be consolidated and available all at once.
For information on the call recording feature, refer to Manage call recording for Webex Calling.